Welcome to the Limitless Child

I am so excited you have found us. If you are a parent that wants to help your child develop better, this is the blog for you. It focuses on developmental strategies, nutrition, and lifestyle factors that can be uses to help kids develop. I have used these strategies on thousands of kids in my career as a physician and have seen major improvements in learning, attention, and behavioral issues of all kinds!

This blog will range from basic applicable information that can be used by parents, and the in depth brain development that needs to be know by health practitioners. I will discuss the new science that comes out everyday on these topics, along with giving natural approaches that can be used. My hope is that this blog gives families the necessary resources they need to help their child develop optimally!

Please Subscribe so you can learn how to help your child continually!

Things you need to know about the blog:

1. This is a community for sharing and growth! I will share my clinical experience and research, but in return I hope that you share your experience as well so we can all learn!

2. There is no judgement here! If you tried something with success that is not mainstream, please share. Some of the best things I have seen work for these kids are not mainstream, and they need to be! So please share your experiences.

3. Feel free to share things that have worked to help your child better, ask any questions you have, I promise it will help another parent out there!

4. This is not a place to tear other people down, say things don't work, say things are not researched, etc. I promise I will not bring subjects to the table that are not time tested, or researched! Some topics may not be double blind clinical controlled studies, but we don't have the years to wait for those to come out. Kids are struggling now, and there are many strategies that work fantastic for these kids that we will share!

About Me

It has always been our goal and will always be our goal to help kids develop well. After struggling with many different health challenges myself: including an immune system disorder and learning disabilities, I have made it my mission to help those with similar issues. I will do everything to help your child not have to experience the same challenges that I did. If I knew 20 years ago what I now know, my life would be much different; and I hope I can use that knowledge to help your child.

Over the past few years of furthering my education, I have been blessed to learn specific strategies to not only improve my health, but also the health of my patients. I have my doctorate from Palmer College. Post gratuation I have hundreds of hours of certifications in functional neurology, neuro-developmental disorders, neurochemistry, and functional medicine. I look forward to using my unique education to help your child function as well as possible because not only do I know it will help them but will also help your family.


Dr. Josh Madsen